Scripture Memory

We have found that the best way to build scripture memory into our daily schedule is to learn and review our passages around a mealtime.  Lunchtime works best for us.  It takes a lot of work to keep up with the verses we're trying to memorize but it's worth it!  If you'd like a REALLY practical idea on how to "house" and review what you are learning, check out this wonderful Scripture Memory Systerm video!

Thank you Sonya and Karen! (by

Disclaimer: we do not follow the Charlotte Mason approach in our homeschooling, but believe this system for scripture memory review is very practical!

For the word of God [is] quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and [is] a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.  Hebrews 4:12

We would love to hear from you!  Feel free to share any practical ideas you have found regarding scripture memory learning as a family.  It would be great to hear from our readers living in other countries!     - Eric and Kristi


Lindy said...

Our Kitchen door is painted in chalkboard paint. Every week, we write a Bible Verse that we want to memorize on the door. My oldest is two, so she spends the first day learning to read it. After that, it takes her about a week (depending on the length of the verse)to memorize it. Anytime we want to go out the door, we have to first recite the verse. Also, if she asks to do anything special such as color, I may say, "While I'm getting the colors out, let's say our memory verse." She will have learned about 50 Bible Verses (some very long), by her third birthday in April (we also like ABC Say It With Me).
Every now and then, we go back and say an old verse we learned to keep it fresh.
It's rewarding to know that even at a young age, my child will have verses already memorized for those times when she really needs to hear the Word of God!

Entrusted Heritage said...

THank you, Lindy! What a creative way to help hide God's beautiful Word into your children's hearts...and yours too!
