Well of Water Springing Up Into Everlasting Life

Every evening, our family gathers for a time to read God's Word, pray, and sometimes sing together. With several very young children, we try to keep this time fun. Sometimes the kids like to "act out" the story of the evening and at other times we simply read the passage and talk a little about it. There are all sorts of creative things we have tried during these Bible times. It has become such an engrafted part of our daily life that none of us like to skip it.
Tonight's passage was John 4, a chapter in which the Samaritan woman has a life changing encounter with our Lord Jesus. An encounter that not only brought conviction, but also confession. An encounter that didn't bring the typical condemnation, but rather conversion. Not only is this the type of encounter we each must have with Jesus, it is the type of well water we must allow to spring up through our lives into the lives of others, namely our children. Do you have the joy of the Lord? Do your children see it, feel it, and taste it?

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